3rd Quarter Check-Up

Now that we have moved into October and the final quarter of the year, I think it is a good time for a 3rd Quarter check-up. As a coach, I encourage everyone to have annual goals that they are working on throughout the year. And just like it is good to have an annual...

Learn to Listen

Listening….How important is it to be a good listener as a servant leader, or as a personal coach? I’m not sure there are a lot of things that are more important. During my coaching training at Coach University earlier this year, the instructors dedicated at least a...

Extreme Self-Care

I good friend of mine mentioned a sign at his health club that says, “The greatest gift that you can give your family is your own health”. I agree, as I think as a servant leader it is also the greatest gift that you can give your team as well. I am a great believer...

The Sap is Running!

In their latest book “Great Leaders Grow” authors Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller describe how to “Become a Leader for Life”.  One of the four key aspects they mention to continue to grow as a leader is to “Open your World”. I am a firm believer that to be an effective...

OLD The Benefits of Coaching

An important aspect of being a servant leader is the value of continuous improvement and self-development. Early this year I started on a journey to achieve certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).  The certification process involves a...