Mother Father Son and Daughter (8-11) Having a Picnic and ChattingWhen coaching executives I often get into discussions around the importance of maintaining balance in one’s life personally, professionally, and spiritually. I recently read an E-book written by Andy Andrews called “The Perfect Moment”.

 In the book, Andy shares a “Perfect Moment” that he had with his son, and goes on to emphasize the importance of noticing perfect moments in your life, as well as getting intentional about creating and capturing perfect moments.

He believes 4 criteria need to be present to have a “Perfect Moment”.

  • Health – Well enough to enjoy the moment
  • Family – Is there to share the moment
  • Comfort – Nothing is distracting me from the moment
  • Open Schedule – 100% present in the moment

 I had what I considered a “Perfect Moment” for an entire weekend last weekend. My two boys treated me to a weekend with them golfing in Brainerd. Now, as you remember from my last blog, the greatness of this weekend was not about the golf, although that was really fun. It was much more about the time together with my adult sons and the fact that they wanted to hang out together for three days.

 I absolutely enjoyed every aspect of the weekend. Benefits of this “Perfect Moment Weekend” that I received included:

  • Deepened relationships with my sons
  • Did not think about work one time for three days
  • Renewed energy
  • Shared memories with loved ones
  • Appreciation for the blessings that God has provided

 I think Andy Andrews is accurate on the items necessary to create perfect moments. I think these items are consistent to helping people maintain a proper balance in their life as well.

  • It is important to focus on your health, and maintain good physical condition. Doing so will allow you to enjoy every aspect of your life.
  • It is important to keep your priorities straight by spending concentrated time with your family. At the end of the day, you will never say I wish I spent less time with my family.
  • The fewer aches and pains that you have and the more comfortable you are in your activities the better the experience will be.
  • It is important to maintain control of your schedule and not allow others to control it for you. Therefore when you are with your family you can be 100% present with them.

 Doing these things, as a practice will enhance the balance in your life, and allow you to be a more effective leader. What are you doing to notice and create “Perfect Moments” in your life?

 Mark Deterding

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another   Hebrews 10:24-25