Become the Servant Leader God Called You to Be!

Real Companies. Real Leaders. Real Results.

Warning! If you participate in Triune Leadership Services’ Faith-Based Servant Leadership Training, and read Leading Jesus’ Way, be ready to radically change your life and your approach to leadership. The results speak for themselves, but the true value is the positive impact you will have on people’s lives within your sphere of influence.

~ Tom Schabel, Owner & CEO, Alexandria Industries

Alexandria Industries

The Faith-based Servant Leadership principles that Mark so clearly outlines in his training and in his book Leading Jesus’ Way have helped me understand my personal purpose, and how to drive a culture of servant leadership at Knute Nelson. By leading Jesus’ Way, our leaders have strengthened our culture beyond measure to grow our capacities to serve and live out our mission.

~ Mark Anderson, President & CEO, Knute Nelson

Knute Nelson

Bible principles work! Aagard has leveraged the servant leadership training that Mark outlines in his book Leading Jesus’ Way to build a company that has more fun, wins more often, and better serves its customers.

~ Brenton Smith, Owner & CEO, Aagard Group

Aagard Group

“The servant leadership principles in Leading Jesus’ Way are life changing.  Gaining God’s perspective for the purpose of my life as a servant leader has provided the prospective, energy and focus to make a true difference in my personal and professional life. You will be blessed by leading Jesus’ way!”

~ Peter J. Nelson, President, Glenwood State Bank

Glenwood State Bank

Faith-based servant leadership as modeled by Jesus transformed the world. Watch what happens when you follow in his footsteps.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging a New Leadership Path Today!